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Injection Therapy

What is Injection Therapy

Injection therapy is where a syringe is used to inject various substances into the body in order to help improve the symptoms of inflammation or degeneration. At Woodbridge physiotherapy Practice we offer both Steroid and Ostenil (Hyaluronic Acid) Injections. Please see below for more details.


Steroid Injections

Steroid Injections also know as Corticosteroid injection, Cortisol injection or Steroid shot are used to reduce inflammation in various types of musculoskeletal problems. The steroid is injected locally to the the inflamed area and provides an anti-inflammatory effect to help reduce the inflammation. Therefore pain is often reduced and function is improved which allows for rehab goal to be more effectively meet and improves the long term management of the condition.

Steroid Injections can be used for the follow conditions

Shoulder (intra-articular & subacromial)
Tennis and Golfers elbow
Carpal tunnel
De Quervai’s
Trigger finger
1st MTP/ CMC Joint
GT bursa
Ankle (intra-articular)



Ostenil is used to treat the symptoms of Osteoarthritis. It is a solution containing hyaluronic acid and is injected into the space of a synovial joint. The injection works to restore the normal balance between the breakdown and production of hyaluronic acid and can therefore decrease pain and stiffness and help to improve the function of an osteoarthritic joint.

At Woodbridge Physiotherapy Practice we use Ostenil to treat Osteoarthritis of both the Shoulder and Knee joint.